R Packages: A Healthcare Application

Building off my last post, I want to use the same healthcare data to demonstrate the use of R packages. Packages in R are stored in libraries and often are pre-installed, but reaching the next level of skill requires being able to know when to use new packages and what they contain. With that let’s get to our example.

Useful function: gsub

When working with vectors and strings, especially in cleaning up data, gsub makes cleaning data much simpler. In my healthcare data, I wanted to convert dollar values to integers (ie. $21,000 to 21000), and I used gsub as seen below.

gsub code 1

gsub output 1

Package: reshape2

In looking at the data, I wanted to focus on the Payment estimate. So I used the melt() function that is part of reshape2. Melt allows pivot-table style capabilities to restructure data without losing values.

melt code 1

melt output 1

Package: sqldf

With my data melted, I wanted to get the average estimate for heart attack patients by state. This is a classic SQL query, so bringing in sqldf allows for that.

sqldf code 1

sqldf output 1

Now that my data is in perfect shape to visualize with a map overlay, ggplot2 and maps are two other R packages that would be useful. In the future, I’ll look to discuss those as well.


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