Week 7: A Reflection

It’s been a great five weeks in Mumbai, and it’s bittersweet to have left. I’ve connected with the city and leave content with all that I’ve experienced.

In experiencing the culture, I really put myself out there in ways I haven’t before. There was uncertainty in travelling by myself, but that really forced me to learn. In the end, taking trains around Mumbai was one of my favorite parts of the trip. I felt like a local, just going along their daily lives.

Ultimately, it’s the people that make any place. And having this group of new hires together made the five weeks what they were. This time was a truly unique experience, almost like a study abroad experience I never had. There were classes and meetings, but that at times felt secondary to making plans to explore the city. We went from strangers to friends through late night rickshaw rides or hanging out after classes. Car rides were some of the best times.

I learned not to judge a person too soon, as impressions change over time. And assigning negative impressions just reduced my fun in the end, so I had to let go of those judgments. Let people be themselves, and don’t judge them for acting in a way that doesn’t fit your “rules” of how to live.

Ultimately, I know I did all that I could to make this a memorable experience. And after two trips this year, I feel like I’ve learned a lot. There’s more to come, I’ll be back.