Motivational Lessons from Drake “So Far Gone” EP

Continuing with the theme of hip-hop, let’s take a look at what we can learn from one of the most successful EPs of all time, Drake’s “So Far Gone.” This EP launched his career and put him on the path to super stardom where he is now. Here are some deep lines:

Yeah, I want it all, that’s why I strive for it/Diss me, you’ll never a reply for it – Successful

The lesson from this is that Drake chose to stay focused on his music instead of being distracted by haters. And getting upset is exactly what they want him to do. So continuing his own work is the best answer to the doubt.

That’s why I never follow y’all suggestions/I just always did my own thing/now I run the game –Uptown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Doing the same thing as other rappers wouldn’t get him to a higher level of achievement, so he had to branch off on his own path. That doesn’t mean to disregard mentorship, but one has to create his or her own success.

Look where I landed, you would think I planned it/I’m just doing me and you could never understand it – I’m Goin In

It’s easy to think that Drake had it all together and he knew exactly how he would reach a record deal. But that isn’t the case, all someone can do is put in effort and push to catch a break. Drake did exactly that, putting out incredible music and created his shot to make it in the industry.

Feelin so distant from everyone I’ve known/To make everyone happy I think I would need a throne – The Calm

You can’t make everyone happy all the time. Drake had to focus on himself and his own needs to become who he is today.

It’s just me, 40, O, and Nik standing in a huddle/Staring at the members of my team /just know that am in debt for you defending all our dreams – Fear

It truly takes a team to succeed. Behind every great individual are friends, family, business partners. Even great rappers don’t succeed alone, find your team and you can go farther than you can imagine.