This Plane

“It’s such a shame…they’re goin miss this plane,” raps Wiz Khalifa in his song “This Plane.” Although this song is about Wiz’s frequent drug use, there’s a message about success to be learned. People want to join Wiz Khalifa and live his jet-setter lifestyle, as people want to be with successful people. But he “doesn’t touch the ground,” as his circle has already closed. The only people there are “[Wiz] and his n***** who got love for [him].”  You can’t join a successful person in the sky, as you haven’t been with them through the growth, just like you can’t board a plane at 35,000 feet.  You have to join the person on the runway, add value to them as they start to rise, and you can rise with them as they take off.

Approaching someone at the top isn’t the best idea; instead approach rising entrepreneurs who are heading for success. For example, Drake’s circle today has the same guys that were with him before he blew up in 2009; his producers that made amazing beats for him then are still doing it now. His business team then is his business team now.  Go out, find those people, and rise together.

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